Corporate Governance

admin 0 Comments 07/02/2019

NISQ NISQ Company Governance
Reference Subject Document
NISQ G1 NISQ Governance Governance
NISQ G2 NISQ Corporate Structure Corporate Structure
NISQ G3 NISQ Delegation of Powers Structure Delegation of Powers
NISQ G4 NISQ Members NISQ Members
NISQ G5 NISQ Directors NISQ Directors
NISQ G6 NISQ Governors NISQ Governors
NISQ G7 NISQ Governance Impact Statement Impact Statement
NISQ G8 NISQ Register of Business Interests Business Interests
NISQ G9 NISQ Appointments and Declarations of Interest Appointments Register
NISQ G10 NISQ Scheme of Delegation Scheme-of-Delegation
NISQ G11 NISQ Rules of Procedure for the Delegation of Powers Rules of Procedure
NISQ G12 NISQ Company Personnel Company Personel
