NISQ Learner Pathway:

Continuous Professional Development for the Learner

NISQ is focused on the Continuous Professional Development [CPD] of its Learners and the wider security workforce’s capabilities and practical skills – including everything that will improve job roles or opportunities.

Learner Registration

One Function of NISQ as an Awarding Organisation is to assess, validate and award final Grades for Certification for Learners registered on NISQ Regulated Qualifications. Each Learner must apply to NISQ to be registered on their chosen NISQ Regulated Qualification and are required to meet the criteria for registration set by NISQ including enhanced security clearance.

Applying for Registration for an NISQ Qualification

Learners can apply for Registration to their NISQ Qualification of Choice* by completing the Learners Registration Application Form NISQ 12 (compulsory) which encorporates the request for the Enhanced Security Check criteria and paying the associated Fee (compulsory). Learners are also asked to complete NISQ 12B an Equalities Monitoring Form (not compulsory).  NISQ 12 and NISQ 12B acquired by;

      • Downloading:-
        • Learners Registration Application Form NISQ 12,
        • Equalities Monitoring Form NISQ 12B
      • Emailing NISQ requesting NISQ 12 and NISQ 12B,
      • Speaking directly to NISQ on +44 (0)2891871329, requesting the NISQ 12 and NISQ 12B,
      • Contacting an NISQ Approved Centre. (see “Centres” on nisq.uk  )
Corporate Learner Registration

Corporate Learners can apply for Registration to their NISQ Qualification of Choice*by

      • Emailing NISQ requesting Corporate Learner Registration Information,
      • Speaking directly to NISQ on +44 (0)2891871329,
      • Contacting an NISQ Approved Centre. (see “Centres” on nisq.uk )

* Note Learners should check if they meet the minimum requirements for Registration/Entry to their NISQ Qualification choice before applying, Learners can speak Directly to NISQ and receive advice on these requirements.

Requirements for Registration Entry to an NISQ Qualifications

Each Qualification offered by NISQ to Learners will have the following pre-requisites and Co-requisite(s) listed as entry registration requirements:

      • Age,
      • Preferred Minimum Level of study required for entry (achieved by learner),
      • Specialist Security Experience, and or
      • Security Experience,

accompanied with a relevant,

      • CV and if available Written Employer Report.

NISQ is responsible for ensuring that learners admitted to their Qualification have sufficient capability at the right level to undertake the learning and assessment.

Co-requisite(s) – 

Due to the subject matter content of the NISQ Qualifications learners are required to undertake an

      • Enhanced Security Clearance Check

Normally through NI Direct. NISQ however have taken an open transparent holistic approach to learners seeking admission who may have previous convictions, NISQ is working with the charity NIACRO and has in place a Policy and system that supports learners seeking admission with previous convictions.

NISQ D25 Admissions Policy  see www.nisq.uk  and NIACRO link www.niacro.co.uk

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) relates to a learner’s earlier learning and achievement towards part of an NISQ Qualification, that a learner can produce evidence for. An NISQ Approval Panel will review the learner’s evidence to decide if it has met NISQ RPL requirements. This does not mean that RPL can be used as an exemption or called an exemption, as this would normally be specified by NISQ, for example as an entry requirement to a NISQ Regulated Qualification.

The Evidence Provided which must be able to be Validated, must be;

      • Relevant,
      • Reliable,
      • Original,
      • Sufficient,

Learners who consider they fulfil this criteria should refer to the NISQ Policy “Recognition of Prior Learning” NISQ D15 which is available to download from www.nisq.uk  or peak directly to NISQ on +44(0)2891871329 for advice. If the criteria is met the learner should complete the application for prior learning NISQ 66 available by: –

      • Downloading the Learners Recognition of prior learning Application Form NISQ 66,
      • Emailing NISQ requesting NISQ 66,
      • Speaking directly to NISQ on +44 (0)2891871329, requesting the NISQ 66,
      • Contacting an NISQ Approved Centre. (see “Centres” on nisq.uk )

and submitted this along with their Learner Registration Application form NISQ 12

Learner Commitment and Behaviour

Learners must consider the level of commitment that is required from them to undertake their NISQ Qualification of Choice, commitment involves three key areas:

  1. Time Commitment

Each NISQ Qualification will Specify Hours the learner must commit to in order to complete their NISQ Qualification of Choice this is explained on the Published Qualification Specification (NISQ 21c www.nisq.uk) under two distinct headings;

  • Guided Learning Hours – (Stating a Specified Amount)

Guided Learning Hours GLH, are the hours the learning will be under the immediate Guidance or Supervision, teacher/tutor or other this being the Subject Matter Lecturer, Subject Matter Expert or Guest Lecturer, Inclusive of Workshops, Structured Self-study, Operational Scenarios, Classroom-based learning supervised by a Teacher, Work-based learning supervised by a Teacher , Live webinar or telephone tutorial with a Teacher in real time, E-learning supervised by a Teacher in real time. Guided Learning Hours GLH also include all forms of assessment which take place under the Immediate Guidance or Supervision of a lecturer, supervisor, tutor or other appropriate provider of education or training, including where the assessment is competence-based and may be turned into a learning opportunity.

  • Total Qualification Time – (Stating a Specified Amount)

Values for Total Qualification Time, including Guided Learning, are calculated by considering the different activities that Learners would typically complete to achieve and demonstrate the learning outcomes of a qualification. Some examples of activities which can contribute to Total Qualification Time include, Independent and unsupervised research/learning, Unsupervised compilation of a portfolio of work experience, Unsupervised e-learning, Unsupervised e-assessment, Unsupervised coursework, Watching a pre-recorded podcast or webinar, Unsupervised work-based learning.

  1. Work Commitment (Policy – NISQ D16 Participation and Learner Behaviour)

The Learner’s work (Qualification related) must be:

      • Accurate, current and authentic
      • Relevant in depth and breadth, all written assignments must be handed in on time


      • A Clear grasp of concepts
      • The Ability to link theory to practice, and the Ability to communicate clearly in the relevant discipline at the expected level for the qualification choice.


      • A personal daily Reflective log,
      • A Continuous Assessment Portfolio, Learning Outcomes as required, generally in the form of;
        • Assessment Performance Record,
        • Written Examination Questions,
        • Assignments,
  1. Behaviour Commitment (Policy – NISQ D16 Participation and Learner Behaviour)

NISQ Learners must comply with NISQ Participation and Learner Behaviour Policy –  NISQ D16, as NISQ is committed to delivering a learning atmosphere where it is important for individuals to be able to learn, teachers to be able to teach and learners to be part of the NISQ Qualification Learning Experience without fear of:

      • disruption of, and interference with, learning
      • actual or threatened violence from others
      • bullying
      • harassment, including sexual or racial harassment, or harassment on the grounds of religion, belief or disability
      • illegal substances or alcohol being made available
      • criminal behaviour (e.g. theft, theft of Intellectual Property)
      • deliberate damage to property
NISQ commitment to the Learner

NISQ commitment to the Learner is portrayed in the NISQ Learners Charter NISQ 37. NISQ will strive to ensure that it:

      • Encourages and facilitates teaching which supports a culture of understanding and progressively equips and allows learners to take responsibility for their own learning;
      • Encourages and supports learners to reflect on their learning, including where appropriate work based(practice-based) learning in preparation for further learning and employment;
      • Supports and encourages teaching, including that related to e-learning, which is informed by scholarship and, where appropriate, by research and by professional practice;
      • Supports and encourages learners to develop creativity and entrepreneurial skills;
      • Makes efficient and effective use of the full range of staff and other resources to support and encourage learners in their learning and to help them gain employment to progress to further study;
      • Provides staff development opportunities in the support of teaching and learning developments;
      • Encourages and supports innovations in teaching practice; and
      • At undergraduate level, supports learners in their transition to higher education learning; for international learners, supports learners in their transition to study at NISQ Approved Centres.
Method of Payment

The following methods of Payment are acceptable:-

By cheque:

made payable to GSQ Group Ltd. and crossed A/C Payee only.

[please quote on back of Cheque “on behalf of NISQ” and the NISQ item/form reference number]

By bank transfer:


Sort Code: 09-02-22

A/C Number: 10796959

IBAN: GB39ABBY09022210796959

[YOUR NAME and NISQ document number as the transfer reference]

By debit/credit card:

Payments accepted by debit/credit cardscard payments